Tuesday, February 21, 2012

100th Day Celebrations

Happy 100th Day of Kindergarten!!
We began our 100th day celebration by reading a story about our favorite fictional kindergarten classroom. We then discussed our plans to celebrate our 100th day of school.

We began thinking about what we will be like when we are 100 years old. (This was a difficult concept.) We listed some of the things we will wear, say, how we will look and what we will know. As you can see, many of my kids thought about what they will do for a living. My favorite is that they will know how to be happy. Let's hope they figure it out before they reach 100 years old!

We created portraits of what we think we will look like at 100 years old. HOW CUTE!! This and other really great 100th day activities can be found here.

This math page took a lot of focus because there were so many tiny pictures to color specific colors. As you can see, my kinder is working on counting her pictures and writing the numbers in. Her 30 is backwards, but I am pleased with how hard she worked. This page can be found here.

We loved this 100th day pizza game! The game called for rolling dice, adding the numbers together and coloring in the corresponding number of pepperoni on their pizza. The player who colors in all 100 first wins. I decided to use a spinner for this game and then add the dice in as my kids become more familiar with the rules. They LOVED this game. I put the boards in page protectors and let the kids use dry-erase markers to color in their pies. This game can be found here.

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